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Sebastian Junger on Journalism
Sebastian Junger on Journalism
Sebastian Junger: “The point of journalism is to tell the truth. It is not to improve society.”
Be Necessary with war journalist Sebastian Junger | A Bit of Optimism Podcast
Sebastian Junger - War in Afghanistan
What I Learned From Restrepo | War Journalist Sebastian Junger | Google Zeitgeist
Exposing the Harsh Realities of Military Journalism (w/ Sebastian Junger) | Change Agents #36
Sebastian Junger's advice to young journalists: "Just go"
Sebastian Junger- “The point of journalism is to tell the truth. It is not to improve society.”
Art Works Podcast: Author, Journalist and Filmmaker Sebastian Junger
An Afternoon with the Writer Sebastian Junger
Sebastian Junger on War and Restrepo